LEGO Propeller
Step 1
Parts: 1-2x2 round brick with axle hole, 2-2x2 round plates with axele hole, 2 minifig capes.
Step 2
Lay the capes on top of the 2x2 round brick so that 1 of the cape holes fits on a stud (opposite the other cape). Make sure that the cape hole that is not on the stud is symetrical to the other cape.
Step 3
Snap 1-2x2 round plates on top of the capes to secure them in place (the round plate can have a smooth top).
Step 3
This is the tricky part and takes patience. You will have to secure the 2nd cape holes to the bottom of the 2x2 round brick using the studs on the 2nd 2x2 plate like before except you will be doing it from the bottom and staggering to the next stud over (not the stud directly below the top one). Make sure that the 2 capes are symmetrical.
Now you can connect the propeller to a motor using an axle. Play with different motors and try gearing them up for more power (like the car design below). HAVE FUN EXPERIMENTING!.